Polish Association for the Study of English is an association of Polish scholars whose research and academic activities concern the study of English in all its aspects.


To become a member of the Polish Association for the Study of English, one needs to meet the following conditions:

1. Be employed as an academic teacher or be a doctoral student in one of the institutes, departments or chairs of English (Philology) at a Polish university.

2. Agree to abide by the Statute of the Association.

3. Submit the required documents, that is:

a) a signed membership form,
b) a questionnaire,
c) a database form.

4. Pay the annual membership fee on time.

The above-listed documents should be sent to the address of the PASE Secretary:

Izabela Curyłło-Klag
Instytut Filologii Angielskiej UJ
al. Mickiewicza 9A,
31-120 Kraków
pokój 118


If you are a member of PASE but you have not heard from us for a long time, please, confirm your current e-mail address by sending an e-mail to our Secretary at

Membership Fee

The annual membership fee should be paid by 1 March.

Standard fee: PLN 100


Doctoral students: PLN 75
Senior scholars (beyond the age of 70): PLN 40

Account number: 83 1160 2202 0000 0000 8139 6181


Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Akademickich Filologii Angielskiej
Aleja Mickiewicza 9/11
31-120 Kraków

NIP: 676-20-95-108

Required Documents

Membership form
Database form