Gaming America
The complexities of the American impact on global culture, economy and technological development offer a relevant context for exploring various aspects of the video-game medium, its history, markets and communities. At the same time, thanks to its ongoing development in the realm of academic reflections on culture, media and society, Game Studies generates growingly productive lenses for America-focused research. That is why this thematic issue of Anglica Wratislaviensia invites papers investigating broadly understood overlaps or exchanges between video games and North America as objects of scholarly reflection. Possible themes include, though are not limited to:
- American genres, tropes and narrative solutions in video games
- American or Canadian folklore and myths in video games
- American localities and regional identities in video games
- America-inspired aesthetics and spatial design in video games
- American and Canadian video games about North America
- North America in video games created on other continents
- American game developers and the gaming market
- American Game Studies
Please send abstracts (ca. 300 words) to Agata Zarzycka:
by 30 January 2023.
Anglica Wratislaviensia is an interdisciplinary journal of the Institute of English Studies at the University of Wrocław (Poland), dedicated to presenting research in the scope of Anglophone literature and culture, English and comparative linguistics, translation studies and English language acquisition.
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A publication in Anglica Wratislaviensia is worth 40 points according to the list of ranked scholarly journals of Poland’s Ministry of Education and Science.
Abstracts of papers published in Anglica Wratislaviensia are available in the following databases: Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci (CNS), The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities and EBSCO Information Services. They are also sent to Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest). The journal is indexed in ERIH PLUS, Federacja Bibliotek Cyfrowych and Europeana.