Polish Association for the Study of English is an association of Polish scholars whose research and academic activities concern the study of English in all its aspects.


PASE 2019

28th PASE Conference in 2019: Faculty of English,
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Diversity Is Inclusive: Cultural, Literary and Linguistic Mosaic

Gerard Manley Hopkins in his famous poem “Pied Beauty” wrote that “All things counter, original, spare, strange; / Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) / With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim” are the essence of life. Whether or not he was (un)wittingly following Darwin’s discoveries which were a praise of diversity in nature, Hopkins’s argument is as irrefutable as Darwin’s. The two great minds of the Victorian times confirm, from two perspectives, that of science and religion, knowledge and faith, the necessity for difference, vital for the survival of life, be it humankind, fauna or flora. Commonplace and grandiose as it may seem today, this fundamental principle has too often been brushed aside in the ways people treat each other and nature. The world we are living in today displays a tendency to build walls against the Other, whoever or whatever that may be. But there is no just black or white: languages display a wonderful variety in which there is no hierarchy. Philologists are only too much aware of this. It is impossible to study one language and its cultural manifestations without the context of other languages. On a micro scale, English, being a most widespread language, also embraces, too, multiple dialects, literatures, cultures, which – significantly – talk to each other.

Issues to be addressed at the conference

  • Linguistic, literary and cultural diversity
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to language, literature and culture
  • English language, literature and culture in non-English contexts
  • Adaptation and appropriation as ways of reviving and preserving languages, literatures and cultures
  • Hybridity and its manifestations in language, literature and culture
  • Politics of inclusive diversity in language, literature and culture

We would like to invite our colleagues, linguists, literature and culture scholars to propose papers in which their research can address the issues suggested in the title of the conference. We accept proposals ranging from literary studies, cultural studies, applied linguistics, formal linguistics, sociolinguistics, etc. as well as areas of research which include a variety of approaches and are, indeed, interdisciplinary.

A new format of the conference

We would like to propose an altered model of the conference: apart from papers sent directly to the conference organisers (general session papers, as has been the PASE tradition), we would like to encourage scholars from different academic centres (Polish but also foreign ones) to get together to propose a seminar, which can subsequently be offered to other scholars. The seminars will be organised by two convenors each who will send out seminar descriptions and guidelines to invite participants. The seminars will be held if at least five papers are presented. The seminar convenors will consider the submissions they receive and announce the list of submissions accepted.

Important dates

Send (by email) abstracts and seminar proposals (200 words) together with title, name, email and affiliation. Please take notice of the following dates:

  • Seminar proposals – 15 January 2019
  • Notifications of acceptance – 31 January 2019
  • Seminar paper abstracts (sent to seminar convenors) – 31 March 2019
  • General session paper abstracts sent to the conference organizers – 31 March 2019
  • Notifications of acceptance (after evaluation) – 30 April 2019

The proposals are to be sent to:,


Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Collegium Novum, al. Niepodległości 4, 61-874 Poznań

Conference organizers

Chair: Jacek Fabiszak
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk
Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak

Conference secretaries

Kornelia Boczkowska
Zuzanna Kruk-Buchowska
Anna Wołosz-Sosnowska